10 exercises to strengthen your core using TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness

July 03, 2023

10 exercises to strengthen your core using TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness

If you want to take your core training to the next level, you need to try TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness. This amazing device will help you sculpt your abs, obliques, and lower back with ease and comfort. It has an ergonomic design, a durable construction, and a dual resistance system that lets you customize your workout according to your needs. Here are 10 exercises you can do with TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness that will transform your core in no time.

  • Ab Wheel Plank: This is the foundation of any ab roller workout. It will activate your entire core and improve your stability and posture. To do it, place your hands on the handles of the ab roller and extend your legs behind you. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels and hold for as long as you can. You can adjust the difficulty by changing the notch of the roller. The higher the notch, the harder the exercise.

  • Ab Wheel Knee Tuck: This is a great exercise to target your lower abs and the center of your core. It will also challenge your balance and coordination. To do it, strap your feet to the ab roller and get into a plank position. Keep your arms straight and your body aligned. Then, pull your knees toward your chest as far as you can without losing form. Hold for a second and then return to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as you can.
  • Ab Wheel Pike: This is another exercise that works your lower abs and deep core muscles. It will also stretch your hamstrings and calves. To do it, strap your feet to the ab roller and get into a plank position. Keep your arms straight and your body aligned. Then, lift your hips up and bring the roller toward you until your body forms a V shape. Hold for a second and then return to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as you can.

  • Ab Wheel Rollout: This is one of the most challenging ab roller exercises. It will work your entire core, as well as your arms, chest, and shoulders. To do it, kneel on the floor and place the ab roller in front of you. Grip the handles and extend your arms. Then, roll the ab roller forward as far as you can without arching or sagging your back. Hold for a second and then roll back to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as you can.
  • Ab Wheel Oblique Roll: This is a variation of the ab wheel rollout that targets your obliques and side abs. It will also work your hips and thighs. To do it, kneel on the floor and place the ab roller in front of you. Grip the handles and extend your arms. Then, roll the ab roller diagonally to one side as far as you can without twisting or bending your spine. Hold for a second and then roll back to the center. Repeat for as many reps as you can on each side.

  • Ab Wheel Birddog: This is a combination of two classic core exercises: the ab wheel rollout and the birddog. It will work your core, back, glutes, and hamstrings. To do it, kneel on the floor and place the ab roller in front of you. Grip the handles and extend your arms. Then, lift one arm and the opposite leg off the floor and extend them in front of you and behind you respectively. Hold for a second and then return to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as you can on each side.
  • Ab Wheel Press Up: This is an advanced exercise that will work your core, chest, triceps, and shoulders. It will also test your strength and stability. To do it, place


TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness is the ultimate tool for strengthening and toning your core. It’s easy to use, durable, and effective. Don’t settle for mediocre ab workouts when you can have the best abs ever with TheTopNotch AbRoller by Mad Owl Fitness. Order yours today and take the first step towards your fitness goals!