Mad Owl Fitness Gear

Guru Tutor Mat

$34.99 $39.99

      Transform Your Fitness with the Guru Tutor Mat


      Challenge Yourself for 30 Days

      Get ready for an amazing 30-day challenge with the Guru Tutor Mat! This special workout mat is designed to help you push your limits and achieve incredible fitness results. All you have to do is commit to following the provided workout routine for 30 days straight. By putting in consistent effort and dedication, you'll see amazing physical and mental transformations.

      Step-by-Step Workout Routine

      Don't worry about figuring out what exercises to do or when to do them. The Guru Tutor Mat has got you covered with a clear and structured plan. This mat provides a step-by-step workout routine that guides you through each exercise. It's super easy to follow, so you'll never miss a beat in your fitness journey. Get ready to maximize your workout potential!

      Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs Included

      Your body's health and safety are important, so the Guru Tutor Mat includes warm-ups and cool-downs. Warm-ups prepare your muscles for the workout, reducing the risk of injury. Cool-downs help your body recover and relax properly. These essential components make sure your body is ready for exercise and well taken care of afterward.

      Mastering the Ab Roller Technique

      Want to know the secrets to mastering the ab roller technique? The Guru Tutor Mat has got you covered! This mat provides detailed instructions and visual cues to help you learn the proper form and execution. You'll discover how to engage your core effectively, activate specific muscle groups, and get the most out of each ab roller movement. Get ready to take your ab roller workouts to the next level!

      Optimal Roll Distance, Repetitions, and Direction

      Get the most out of your ab roller workouts with the Guru Tutor Mat's guidance on roll distance, repetitions, and direction. By following the mat's instructions, you'll learn the perfect distance to roll the ab roller, the ideal number of repetitions to perform, and the correct direction to engage your core muscles most effectively. Maximize your results and fine-tune your workout for maximum impact!

      Expert Guidance for Core Engagement

      Benefit from expert guidance on core engagement with the Guru Tutor Mat. This mat is designed to provide you with professional insights on how to activate and strengthen your core muscles. Follow the mat's instructions to target and engage your core effectively, ensuring that you're getting the most out of your workouts. Enhance your core strength and stability with expert-backed techniques!

      Strengthen Your Core, Body, and Booty

      The Guru Tutor Mat is your ultimate tool for strengthening your core, body, and booty. With a well-rounded workout routine designed to target these areas, you'll experience improved core strength, enhanced overall body tone, and a sculpted booty. By consistently following the mat's exercises, you'll pave the way for a stronger and more confident version of yourself!

      Achieve Fitness Goals with Confidence

      Build confidence in your fitness journey with the Guru Tutor Mat. As you progress through the mat's step-by-step routine, you'll witness your capabilities grow and your goals become more attainable. The structured approach and expert guidance instill confidence in your workouts, empowering you to push boundaries and achieve remarkable results!

      Perfect Pairing with Our Ab Roller

      Take your fitness routine to the next level by pairing the Guru Tutor Mat with our Ab Roller. These two products are designed to work perfectly together, offering a seamless and effective workout experience. The mat's instructions and the Ab Roller's functionality go hand in hand, creating a synergistic effect that amplifies your core, body, and booty workouts.

      Pave the Road to a Strong and Sculpted Physique

      The Guru Tutor Mat acts as your roadmap to a strong and sculpted physique. By following the provided routine, you'll steadily progress towards your fitness goals. Get ready to transform your body and become the best version of yourself!